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Service control

FASTPANEL® allows controlling some of the services on the server. Services control is located in the "Services" section.

Go to the side menu → "Settings" → "Services"

Services management menu in FASTPANEL

Which processes can I control in FASTPANEL?

FASTPANEL® allows controlling the following processes:

  • Apache2
  • Dovecot
  • Exim
  • Redis
  • Bind9
  • Memcache
  • Mysql
  • Nginx
  • Fail2ban
  • PHP5.4-FPM
  • PHP5.5-FPM
  • PHP5.6-FPM
  • PHP7.0-FPM
  • PHP7.1-FPM
  • PHP7.2-FPM
  • PHP7.3-FPM
  • PHP7.4-FPM
  • PHP8.0-FPM
  • PHP8.1-FPM
  • ProFTPD
  • Shellinabox

Which actions can be performed with the processes?

List of available services in FASTPANEL

You may perform the following actions with the processes:

  • Enabling/disabling startup of the service
  • Start/stop
  • Restart