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Getting a list of database servers


mogwai databases servers list

Example output

ID      NAME                    TYPE            LOCAL   HOST    USERNAME        AVAIL
1 mysql(localhost) mysql true fastuser true
2 postgresql(localhost) postgresql true fastuser true

The server IDs is used in other commands.

Getting a list of databases


mogwai databases list

Example output

ID      NAME            SERVER_NAME             LOCAL           HOST    CHARSET OWNER   SIZE    CREATE_AT                              
1 db1 mysql(localhost) localhost true utf8mb4 user 0 2024-05-28 10:03:03.227413266 +0000 UTC
2 database43s mysql(localhost) localhost true utf8mb4 user82 0 2024-05-28 10:07:15.001640584 +0000 UTC

Synchronizing the database list

If you have recently added or removed databases, and they have not yet appeared in FASTPANEL, you can force synchronization of the lists


mogwai databases sync

Creating a new database


mogwai databases create [flags]


  • -n, --name=NAME : Database name.
  • -o, --owner="fastuser" :  FASTPANEL user to whom the database will be added.
  • -s, --site=SITE : Website in FASTPANEL to which the database will be added.
  • -c, --charset="utf8mb4" : Database encoding.
  • -u, --username=USERNAME : Database username.
  • -p, --password=PASSWORD : Database user password.

Example command

mogwai databases create --server=1 -n db1 -o fastuser -s -u dbuser -p dbpassword1

This command will create a database named db1 on the default database server (--server=1) and "binds" it to the site.