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FASTBACKUP is a special storage type compatible with our offered Storage boxes.

Upon installation of the Storage box, you will receive an email containing a temporary access link. Clicking on this link will redirect you to a page similar to the one you see below.

Click the Copy button next to the "Access Link" field. You will need this link later.

Storage box credentials

Creating a backup account

Then you need to create a backup account. Go to "Settings" → "Backup copies"

FASTPANEL backup settings

Click "New account"

Add a new backup account in FASTPANEL

  1. In the opened modal window enter account "Name"
  2. In the "Type" drop-down menu, select FASTBACKUP
  3. Enter your "Email" address and paste the previously copied link into the "Link" field.
  4. Click the Save button, and you can now proceed with creating a backup plan

Setup a new backup account in FASTPANEL